Tuesday, May 31, 2011


YOU.... YOU piss me off! Really, YOU do... always letting me go when I'm not ready to go...what if I wasn't ready? What it wasn't my time to leave? What if there was more knowledge to be gained? YOU make no sense.. YOU say the same thing over and over and I wasn't listening the first time YOU came off with your attitude... I understand your blowups and rationalities but YOU are not comprehending what I am trying to say. YOU are not listening. YOU are not comprehending? YOU are not paying attention or are somehow unable to absorb correctly...

And YOU... YOU don't even want me to start on YOU.. YOU have alot of nerve. YOU talk a big talk but sit back and watch it all happen in front of YOU. YOU have excuse after excuse and reason after reason... YOU don't call.. YOU don't text... YOU don't anything. YOU think I am someone I am not.. YOU got it twisted.. YOU want me to be someone I'm not.. YOU say YOU don't play games but YOU were playin from day one... YOU got me thinkin somethin else... YOU are probably beyond repair and don't want me to go there...

YOU should of stayed quiet cause now it's fittin to come out on YOU... YOU are worthless.. YOU had me all wrapped up in your twisted world and YOU played with my emotions... YOU, YOU, YOU are so not even worth it anymore... YOU really let me and mine down.. YOU gave up on me and YOU walked away... YOU had me believing in something called forever and then before the impact even occured YOU hit me with hurt and pain... YOU never were a forever kind of person were YOU??? Did YOU plan it all along?? YOU should have thought about things? YOU should of trusted in me? YOU should of known me better? You should of known? What YOU know now besides the silence YOU created??

YOU... always tryin to pull one over on me... YOU .. YOU know who YOU are...YOU think YOU are slick but YOU ain't... YOU always wanting and never giving... YOU always beggin.. YOU a sly guy YOU... always doing the minimum and gettin the maximum... YOU feel like I owe YOU?? YOU need more training.. YOU are spoiled and selfish and weak ...YOU shouldn't of slept through class... YOU don't struggle, YOU have life handed to YOU... YOU are a child.. a step below me and YOU don't have the guts to get on this level.. YOU are silly to think YOU can compete.... YOU need to get on this level... YOU need schooling of some sort to think YOU can come up like that... YOU a dreamer ...

YOU... boy YOU trippin... talkin bout' YOU want me to do this and YOU want me to do that... YOU love me.. YOU want to take care of me... Do YOU even know me?? Do YOU know yourself?? YOU are crazy to think YOU can handle this... YOU are too out of the game to know the first steps... YOU are self absorbed and YOU are not healthy... YOU are toxic and YOU should not be subjecting YOU to other people... YOU are nuthin' but a pipedream and YOU live your life accordingly... YOU are easy to read and easy to please.. YOU roam too much and end up in too many wrong places at the wrong times... YOU need to know better cause YOU are to old to be doing such childish things... YOU are silly to think noone else sees your foolishness... YOU trippin...

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