Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Welcome / Disclaimer

Okay, where do I start.... oh yes HELLO!!!

I know- people have told me I should have a blog for years, but I never did for various reasons.... I was afraid of offending people with my sometimes brutal comedic honesty, I was leery people would use what I wrote against me, I was worried people may realize how twisted my mind really can be sometimes and mostly I was reluctant because I never thought I had the time. How one can aspire to write a book one day and not have the time to blog just sounds silly, so HERE I AM!

Is that a good enough Welcome?

Moving on to the disclaimer.... so I've decided not to make this blog some kind of daily journal because then I'd have to commit to writing frequently, and although that is my intentions, I have a tendency to be "lazy" or "not have the time" so, by not doing this as a daily thing, relinquishes me of having to be here every day and having to tell you about what I do all day. (because sometimes I do absolutely nothing and work hard to accomplish this goal) And I'm not sure my daily life is all that funny... What I did decide to do was to sit down at this here computer from time to time and tell you folks a story. A story that I may or may not have experienced, (disclaimer) that may or may not be all true, (disclaimer) but to protect my friends whose names may or may not be changed to protect their innocence or guilt (disclaimer), and their friendships that I may or may not Value (disclaimer) their needs to be some sort of disclaimer that says ...

Look if you know me and start to enjoy reading this blog, and a particular story you are reading happens to remind you of YOU,, please don't be mad at the fact you were laughing at the other stories and now this one has you upset! I do not mean to offend or hurt any of my friends... this is just my way of sharing our experiences in a humorous way, because sometimes, the things that may or may not of happened to us need humor to get through. Don't hate me, I am sorry, but it was obviously a memory that I have and the funny in me comes out. Enjoy the story still though, and pretend it isn't you, remember these may or MAYNOT be true and wouldn't that be crazy if what you read that offended you wasn't even you and I but someone else and now YOU'VE overreacted for no reason....

so please if I offend or misrepresent someone I'm sorry, please forgive me, it was only in fun.

And now sit back, grab your drink and get ready to laugh..... cause I've been though it and I'm ready to share.....

P.S. Welcome to my blog!